Prepare for ministry by integrating your calling and your commitment within a vocational context


The Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry provides an alternative to the B.A. degree in Biblical Studies with its provision for Greek study. The B.S. program provides course offerings essentially the same as those required for the B.A. in Biblical Studies but with a measure of flexibility in the courses required and with a vocational orientation. Content in the specific biblical courses is the same. The Christian Ministry Program is available online or on ground.


Curriculum: B.S.  |  B.S. (Online)
Faculty: Thomas Magers, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies
B.A., Blue Mountain College
M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D., New Orleans Theological Seminary
  Dr. Ronald T. Meeks, Chair of the Department of Biblical Studies & Professor of Biblical Studies
B.A., Blue Mountain College
M.Div., Ph.D., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary